The basic extension contains very simple elements: one word and, of course, a new synonym.
Education, there are some very large universities of course but even the smaller colleges have the extension staff.
Of course, there are other ways to do that; depending on your specific plan, those ways might have advantages over the extension point schema.
Unforeseen developments that become apparent only in the course of implementation may require the amendment or extension of projects.
An extension, of course, of doing the things you love, but applied to work.
Of course, you can make the extension required, in which case it is automatic (for the model where the profile is applied).
Of course there are some qualities of matter that don't seem to follow directly from its nature as extension.
If you go too far, that Hooke's — Law no longer holds — — that you deform it permanently — then, of course, the period will become a function of the extension, and the same is true here.
So I have a net extension which will always be there, and that's not very nice, of course, to do that to a spring.
Of course in this case, Spring's many extension hooks will help out.
A activity classe is the extension and supplement of classroom teaching, and it is also the course of centring on activities.
Fiscal policy was already on course to knock 1.4 points off growth, as last year's payroll-tax cut and extension to unemployment benefits reach their expiry date.
A compiler could, of course, choose to accept other expressions as an extension.
Of course, in order to build this solution, we have to install the WF extension.
According to the theory of the course analyses of communication, has analyzed and confirmed four major basic key elements of the influences agricultural extension effect.
Besides the extension length of sedimentation, the factors that effected the river course are channel pattern, process of water and sediment and dredging.
Robot can be viewed as an effective extension of human's ability, so it is indispensable in the course of recognition and exploration of the world.
Files are files, unless of course you allow a program to actually execute the content (don't do this), the extension is largely unimportant.
The development of Potential course could be regarded as the extension of the humanist spirit with the features of sentiment and concern.
In the course of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.
Residency Requirement: at least 1 on-campus-only course and at least 1 semester at Harvard Extension School or Harvard Summer School.
This paper probes into the basic meaning and extension of enterprise management scientization, and summarizes the practice course in listing files of type.
Of course, for extensions that modify the browser interface, the user will not need to know the URL, as the extension will present itself in the UI.
For questions or comments regarding course curriculums and course-selection results, please contact Miss Chio-Lan Huang of Office of Academic Affairs, Registrations Division, at Extension #11113
For questions or comments regarding course curriculums and course-selection results, please contact Miss Chio-Lan Huang of Office of Academic Affairs, Registrations Division, at Extension #11113