The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.
The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.
The biggest worry is Spain's external debt.
To the eve of war, 90 percent of external debt has been repaid.
The otherwas external debt: either a bank loan or a credit-card balance.
The other was external debt: either a bank loan or a credit-card balance.
private sector bankruptcies have led to a marked decline in external debt.
But a toxic combination of external debt and collapsing confidence left the economy floundering.
Countries with excess consumption and dependent on external debt should rein in that consumption.
This article provides a new direction and reference to China's external debt management practice.
A handful of countries, led by Algeria, Nigeria and Russia, repaid their external debt to official creditors.
With its huge reserves and low external debt, China today is a long way from suffering from the problems of Argentina.
The key vulnerability arose as Banks and corporations in the region took on too much short-term, foreign currency external debt.
But the private sector is not as desperate as it was, having reduced its external debt by about a third over the past two years.
Economists say even if the yen appreciates, though, it will not be difficult for Thailand to deal with it because its external debt is not high.
I. the loans to the domestic entities by the overseas branches (the money market instruments included) are classified as the external debt.
A weaker rupiah would also make it more difficult for local corporations to meet their external debt obligations, raising the number of bankruptcies.
Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private no guaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt.
Germany’s gross external debt/GDP fell about 5 percentage points during 2003-2007, while that ratio climbed by about 50% for other advanced economies.
On top of that the Bank and other partners have agreed to debt relief which has reduced Ghana’s external debt stock from $6.4 billion to $1.5 billion.
China was able to offset capitaloutflows by increased borrowing from abroad, with total external debt standingat around USD1trn from different sources.
Compared with the emerging market countries, the scale of China's external debt is fairly reasonable in terms of GDP and foreign exchange reserves right now.
The country has defaulted on its external debt and had to renege on a $29m interest coupon of its eurobond of $2.3 billion, which had already been restructured twice.
Relax the limitation on buying foreign exchange for repaying domestic foreign exchange loans, external debt on-relendings, and external debts before the due date.
Healthy foreign exchange reserves, low inflation, and a small external debt are all strengths that make it unlikely that Malaysia will experience a financial crisis similar to the one in 1997.
Shareholders own decision, 30 years later, of course, when the company has the case of external debt, the shareholders still need to bear the debt within the scope of the registered capital.
Shareholders own decision, 30 years later, of course, when the company has the case of external debt, the shareholders still need to bear the debt within the scope of the registered capital.