A credit squeeze will hit those still depending on external financing.
The IGR is the maximum growth rate that can be achieved with no external financing of any kind.
It is obvious that among the lesser-developed economies bank loans and equities are a much greater source of external financing than are corporate bonds.
Most of the increased funding since 2002 has come from domestic funding in Brazil, China and the Russian Federation, and external financing from the Global fund.
To assess the absolute risk of a crisis you need to estimate external-financing needs (defined as the sum of the current-account balance and the stock of short-term debt) over the next 12 months.
For venture capital, as an entirely new mechanism of investment and financing, besides the unique internal operation system, a sound external environment is indispensable.
There are several aspects for the reasons of financing difficulties such as enterprises themselves, financial organization and external environment.
Protection of small and medium enterprises with the retail financing for its development and growth to create good external conditions.
External assets that is readily available to and controlled by the authorities for direct financing of payments imbalances and for indirect regulation of the magnitude of such imbalances.
External assets that is readily available to and controlled by the authorities for direct financing of payments imbalances and for indirect regulation of the magnitude of such imbalances.