He lay, propped up by pillows, his face pale and eyes dull.
Once you start seeing them, the world--which can look so dull, so empty of interest--will gather before your eyes and become thick with meaning.
It no longer struggled against her, but it was losing its frizzy fur in patches, and its eyes were dull and lifeless.
Its eyes were beginning to dull, as the owner squatted next to it, sprinkling water into its mouth, as if it were possible to revive it.
Its eyes glowed a dull red, even though they were a lot closer to the ground, and it dribbled into the nettles.
When they scrutinized me, faint crows feet gathered at the corners of their dull and va-cant eyes.
But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.
Too rich or too dull. Always more than our cameras can handle and never just as it looks to our eyes.
Everything was good, well made, and little worn, but Amy's artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter, when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.
Besides the skin tone, what also make us a little dull are the dark circles of the eyes. Temporary solution is to hide them by makeup.
The guy was shocked, he stared this stange face carefully, in that dull eyes, he seemed to see the mermaid who leaped into the sea long time ago.
As if suddenly melting, the countless leaping golden eyes smooth themselves down into a great, dull, green face.
He looked up with dull, fearful eyes as Judith returned a third time, sweeping her sword in a broad stroke aimed at the top his helmet.
I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life's story was somehow vitally important.
Two red sparks flashed for a moment in the woman's sodden eyes, then flickered out and left them dull and glazed .
But now there was a dull stare in her eyes.
"In my eyes, paleontology is not a dull subject that only deals with old rocks. Instead, it studies our past by examining the fossils of ancient life forms, " Bai says.
Eric noticed that although her rids showed through a dull coat, her eyes were bright and animated. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders.
"Why didn't you stay with them?" I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life's story was somehow vitally important.
At some point, you fall out of the habit of exploring the world with new eyes and get stuck in routines that seem to dull the mind.
A lack of faith can tie our hands, dull our eyes, and make us shrink in fear.
A lack of faith can tie our hands, dull our eyes, and make us shrink in fear.