Patented EZ Port is the simple drive on, push-off method of dry docking.
EZ Bounce is an adorable action game.
Deir ez-Zor, in the remote east, is seething too.
就连东部偏远的代尔·祖尔(Deir ez - Zor)也蠢蠢欲动。
But the town council is mistaken; we should continue using EZ.
EZ Poetry is a book which contains 80 famed poems in ancient China.
The finite size effect in the Eguiluz-Zimmermann (EZ) model is studied.
Get EZ Thumbs now and get your web page on the Internet in no time flat!
Secure EZ-Prox CARDS, key fobs, or the company's keypads provide access.
该公司的密码EZ -感应卡,智能钥匙,或键盘提供访问控制。
Unbelievable transparency and EZ "Drop & Charge" are great addition to smart home.
Derick Rethans, Member of the PHP development team and project leader for eZ components.
And EZ Macros can help you to automate all of the repetitive tasks you face each day!
Your run should be at an easy (EZ), comfortable pace, which helps loosen up your muscles.
EZ Prose Poem is books which contains scores of famed poems and prose in ancient China.
When using EZ-TC, close No. 1 and 2 shutoffs and install sight tube using adaptor fitting.
在采用EZ - TC时,关闭1号和2号关闭阀,采用适配器连接件安装观察管。
The judge in Lago Agrio, Juan Nuñez, is expected to rule on the case later this year.
EZ 6001 scan Tool - Spanish Version The next generation of automotive scanners have arrived.
的ez 6001扫描工具-西班牙语版的下一代汽车扫描器已经抵达。
Because of that, I realize that I am now holding the bars, be them straight bar or EZ bar, tighter.
Moreover, EZ — which, like ABC, currently has a fleet of 20 trucks — has ordered additional trucks.
Thousands of companies have benefited from EZ Check Writer software and only charge a ONE TIME FEE !
He was ez gentle ez a child and the kindest of 'em all--only we didn't none of us ever onderstand him.
EZ Soccer: EZ Soccer brings you scores and information from FIFA World Cup 2010. More features are adding.
As your audio setup expands, the EZ-m 10x2 Series continue to offer incredible utility as sub and monitor mixes.
While growth is expected to be slightly positive next year, this does not mean that the EZ may see a brief recession.
The simple, safe, and low maintenance design of the EZ Sheeter allows you to stay productive in your sheeting process.
Printing is outsourced through EZ Prints and you get the option to use auto-enhancing or your own true color adjustments.
Driver in the design, First introduced EZ-USB GDP development model, and then presents the driver of the system design process.
在驱动程序设计部分,首先引入EZ - USB通用设备驱动程序开发模型,然后具体介绍了本系统中驱动程序的设计过程。
EZ: Yes with the release of 0.9 on the way to 1.0 we will have a community doc and central plug-in site with a wiki, forums etc..
EZ: Yes with the release of 0.9 on the way to 1.0 we will have a community doc and central plug-in site with a wiki, forums etc..