By using the fabric filtration technology in diesel particulate collection, a multi-bag particulate collector for diesel buses was developed.
This paper analyses the filtration mechanism and effect factors of the filtration fabric, on the basis of it, new-type unstuck filtration fabric is designed.
The data can provide convincing reference to some extent for the selection of the filtration fabric materials.
In our research, we adopt platinum as anode lead as cathode cation membrane and filtration fabric as septum separately, electrolysis operation was carried out through electrifying DC.
There is an optimal filtration rate for a certain set of planning parameters, i. e., the type of dust removal equipment, dust cleaning, dust bag fabric and fabric structure.
The selection of filtration velocity is the key of designing a fabric filter.
To give better filtration properties to filtration fabric, a penetrating ability should be achieved included air permeability. Water permeability and penetrating property.
With the optimized filtration fabric, a GZ model drum filter is empoldered.
The filtering mesh or supplementary filtering mesh can be formed by common filtration fabric, but preferably formed by an activated charcoal filtering layer or biological film filtering layer.
Through the alteration of water, material unload system and the fabric of filtration, the optimization for coal and mud water system is achieved, work efficiency is raised highly.
It is shown that the electrostatic filtration fabric has high purifying efficiency and low pressure loss.
This paper deals with the development of a new kind of filtration fabric, made by feather fibers and blended with thermal fibers.
This paper deals with the development of a new kind of filtration fabric, made by feather fibers and blended with thermal fibers.