Heather Sellers, whose recent book discusses her own face blindness, became very social.
Face Blindness is like this except it happens all the time, even with people you know really well.
In the most severe cases, people who suffer from face blindness can't even recognize the faces of family members.
Scientists believe that face blindness is caused by damage to a part of the brain called the fusiform face area, or FFA.
Meanwhile, people with face blindness must find ways to cope. Some recognize others by the way they walk or by their voice.
For some unlucky people, having a problem with facial recognition is more than just strange. It's an affliction known as prosopagnosia, or face blindness.
As research continues, scientists hope to learn more about how the FFA allows us to recognize and read faces and how damage to this area could result in face blindness.
随着科学实验的进行,科学家们希望找到FFA 是如果让我们辨认面孔的,为什么这部分的损坏能影响我们的面部认知能力。
This shows that prosopagnosia is clearly not 'face blindness' - people with the condition can see faces fine - what they can't do is distinguish people by their facial features.
A person's response to prosopagnosia seems as varied as the response to vision loss. Heather Sellers, whose recent book discusses her own face blindness, became very social.
Of course, it's also possible you have a condition called prosopagnosia, or face blindness, in which people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members, friends, or even themselves.
Millions of others face a heightened risk of lifelong physical and mental problems including blindness, learning disabilities and respiratory illness.
The tiny minority who have avoided blindness face difficult choices about how to continue their lives in a ravaged country, and how to deal with helpless blind survivors.
Previous research has identified as much as 2 percent of the population as having "face-blindness," or prosopagnosia, a condition characterized by great difficulty in recognizing faces.
Contact with lye can cause chemical burns, permanent scarring, blindness or total deliciousness, depending on whether you pour it onto a herring or your own face.
A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, the BBC reported.
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