If you fail to carry out this instruction to the letter, you may expect to meet with failure.
The thought that Greece might fail to carry out the necessary budget cuts has had officials scratching their heads about the form a bail-out might take.
They can carry out specific tasks, but fail to grasp the complex processes required to manage a large-scale business.
Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out.
And if Draco should fail, will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?
Pray for members of these extremists groups to be exposed and for their attempts to recruit, generate funds, and carry out ACTS of violence to fail.
Most of us fail in our efforts at self - improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out.
Most of us fail in our efforts at self - improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out.