Also there are many people using a fake identity to cheat others.
Fake Identity by Miodrag Krkobabicwill be shown by double sided standing billboards.
Project Fake identity questions the process of construction of personal identity in public space.
Barr began by hanging out in an online forum called Internet Relay Chat (IRC), using a fake identity.
Nowadays, leaving an Internet trail of convincing evidence for a fake identity is increasingly difficult-and a phoney detail is worse than none at all.
They were known here as Arshad Khan and Tareq Khan, although one police official said that Arshad was not the man's real name and that he carried a fake identity card.
It is a fake identity through which a member of an Internet community discusses or comments on oneself or one's work, pretending to be a different person, like a puppeteer manipulating a hand puppet.
The fate of the discs is unknown, but they contain just the sort of information sought after by identity thieves, who could use it to procure fake documents, commit fraud and empty bank accounts.
"Sockpuppeting" is defined as the act of creating a fake online identity to praise, defend or create the illusion of support for one's self, allies or company.
The user will be refused, if they forgot their codes, and once the others know the id (Password), they can easily fake the legal user identity enter the controlled area.
The patent administration handled 38 patent dispute cases with 34 concluded, brought 3 cases of fake patent identity and handled 8 counterfeit patent cases with 2 concluded.
The patent administration handled 38 patent dispute cases with 34 concluded, brought 3 cases of fake patent identity and handled 8 counterfeit patent cases with 2 concluded.