The publicly listed company is controlled by his family.
The company is controlled by the Kadoorie family, whose roots in Shanghai go back to the late 19th century, when Ellis Kadoorie, an Iraqi Jew, moved to the city.
该公司由Kadoorie家族掌管,该家族与上海的渊源可追溯至19世纪后期,伊拉克犹太人Ellis Kadoorie来上海的时候。
A phone company controlled by the Assad family sent out messages urging people to put money back into their accounts.
In typical fashion, he offered more money than anyone in his right mind would have done, ensuring that the Bancroft-family members who controlled the company had little choice but to turn it over.
真是典型的时髦做法,他开出了任何正常人脑袋都不会给的天价,来确保控制方班克罗夫特家族(Bancroft - family)不得不投降。
Weakness in a boss does not normally make a firm seem stronger. But News Corporation is not a normal firm. It is a family-run public company, controlled by means of super-voting shares.
It is not only Germany's oldest piano maker, but also the company with the longest family-controlled record throughout the piano manufacturing history.
It is not only Germany's oldest piano maker, but also the company with the longest family-controlled record throughout the piano manufacturing history.