I wish there were a fan in the library.
A breeze would come to you from time to time as if God was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance.
Three types of decision points for Fan in are supported.
We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking.
The Hangover star, 34, has already won over a fan in his costar Heather Graham.
这位主演《宿醉》的34岁明星已经有一位粉丝了,就是和他共同出演的演员海瑟·格拉汉姆(Heather Graham)。
Special behaviour of the invocation style within a Fan Out or Fan in primitive.
FanOut或Fan In原语中调用样式的特殊行为。
You can use Fan Out in isolation or as part of a Fan Out and Fan In combination.
These two branches are then collected by a Fan in primitive (operating in count mode).
Apropos to her career in Scrum, Druckman has become an avid rugby fan in the last year.
To use a Fan Out and Fan in mediation you add the ICONS shown in Figure 18 to the mediation flow.
要使用FanOut和Fan In中介,请将图18所示的图标添加到中介流。
Now take a look at the flow in detail, starting with the aggregation primitives, Fan Out and Fan In.
In addition to the decision point configuration, it's also possible to set a timeout value for Fan in.
You can also combine the Fan Out primitive with a Fan in primitive to perform aggregation of messages.
您还可以将FanOut原语与Fan In原语结合,以执行消息的聚合。
Equally, the Fan in is set to complete when all of the repeating elements have been handled (see Figure 9).
Equally, the Fan in is set to complete when all of the repeating elements have been handled (see Figure 37).
Equally, the Fan In is set to complete when all of the repeating elements have been handled (see Figure 33).
同样,将扇入设置为在处理了所有的重复元素时完成(请参见图 33)。
This feature becomes powerful when used in conjunction with the new Fan Out and Fan in mediation primitives.
此功能与新的FanOut和Fan In中介原语结合使用时功能非常强大。
One fan in Sal’s calls him “part Ronald Reagan, part Lewis Graham, part Martin Luther King and 100% rock star”.
Another fan in the audience, Carolina Rocha, said Lopes' win was "well deserved, we were cheering for her all along."
Fan in is always partnered with a Fan Out in the same flow and ACTS as a decision point for when to continue flow execution.
Jason Zhao, an accountant and basketball fan in China: Marbury 'was a harm to his team when he was in the NBA, but here the situation could be different.
Jason Zhao,中国会计师兼篮球迷:马布里在nba的时候给球队造成了伤害,但在中国情形可能会不一样。
Within the aggregation (that is between Fan Out and Fan in primitives), the use of the asynchronous with callback interaction style is not available.
在聚合(位于FanOut和Fan In原语之间)中,无法使用带回调交互的异步调用样式。
Timeout property for Fan In: The Fan In primitive has an associated timeout property that requires a little explanation so you can use it successfully.
Architectural metrics (dependency level, fan in, fan out, and ext user) measure the complexity of relationships such as method calls, inheritance, or variable usage.
You'll look at each part of the flow, as depicted in Figure 7, including the use of the Fan In and Fan Out primitives along with any mappings needed within the overall flow.
In this section, you'll look at each part of the flow, including the use of each Fan in and Fan Out primitive along with any mappings needed within the overall flow (see Figure 25).
Therefore, you can only aggregate in a particular flow: a Fan in mediation primitive in a response flow can't be used to aggregate messages from a Fan Out mediation primitive in a request flow.
This context area is important when you consider the following scenario, which illustrates a particular aggregation scenario using a combination of Fan Out, Fan in, and Service Invoke primitives.
此上下文区域在以下场景中非常重要,此场景是组合使用FanOut、Fan In和ServiceInvoke原语的特定聚合场景。
This context area is important when you consider the following scenario, which illustrates a particular aggregation scenario using a combination of Fan Out, Fan in, and Service Invoke primitives.
此上下文区域在以下场景中非常重要,此场景是组合使用FanOut、Fan In和ServiceInvoke原语的特定聚合场景。