Fashion buyer mechanism is one of driving forces of fashion industry.
Raya: Oh, no, not at all. It's all good. She's been promoted to head fashion buyer at Garley Gray.
Therefore, the job of the fashion buyer is to understand the fashion trends of the past, present, and future.
Wristwatch sales are actually on the rise this year, according to June Rhee, the fashion watch buyer for the Macy's department store chain.
GM is likely to have trouble parking its Hummer division, for example, having decided to look for a buyer just as giant, thirsty vehicles are going out of fashion because of soaring oil prices.
A considerable number of students transition to the seller by the buyer, in the online shop has become a fashion and trends, but also a way of business students.
A considerable number of students transition to the seller by the buyer, in the online shop has become a fashion and trends, but also a way of business students.