Outside the safe house, the man who pretended to be an FBI agent at the clinic phones Andre Drazen.
This FBI agent has no idea what Nina’s talking about claiming that she and her partner are the only FBI agents there.
Anybody who has ever been a policeman, a lawyer, a psychiatrist, an er doctor, or an FBI agent will attest to the truth that television does not accurately portray their life.
This FBI agent has no idea what Nina's talking about claiming that she and her partner are the only FBI agents there.
FBI probes have upended the lives of innocent Americans and destroyed the career of at least one loyal FBI agent, a Chinese American woman.
The FBI agent sat at one of the tables with the two Federal marshals, who had roused themselves into a semblance of vigilance.
There's an FBI agent at the security gate with two federal marshals in tow. They're here to claim custody of Dante Arete.
Nina, meanwhile, calls Tony and tells him about the questionable FBI agent at the clinic.
As Nina leads the Bauers into a car, the suspicious FBI agent is on the phone, watching them from a window above.
In a 1992 report on ritual crime, FBI agent Kenneth Lanning concluded that the rampant rumors of ritual murders, cannibalism, and kidnapping were unfounded.
Nina thinks she sees the suspicious man posing as an FBI agent, but finds nothing.
Nina arrives at the clinic, and while looking for Jack's family she comes upon an FBI agent who is there to de-brief some of the men from Gaines' team who got brought in.
One of them is a former FBI agent, Robert Levinson, who disappeared while visiting Iran in 2007.
He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college.
He was writing a memoir and recently made The Beast, a well-received cable TV series about a veteran FBI agent.
The door had opened without a knock. Jason Ridley, Chappelle's young, dapper assistant, escorted FBI Special Agent Frank Hensley into the conference room.
"We will investigate," say the FBI agent.
They won't even go after the FBI agent trying to nail them.
Step Four: don all of this and realize I look like an FBI agent.
The action film features Keanu Reeves as an FBI agent who goes undercover to investigate a gang of surfing bank robbers.
"We have an interest in the case," the FBI agent said in court Thursday.
To track down the killer, a female FBI agent must befriend another serial killer, Hannibal Lecter, known as Hannibal the Cannibal for eating his victims (with fava beans and nice Chianti).
"There's a high concentration of people offering the kinds of services you need to build a criminal scheme," says Gary Dickson, an FBI agent who worked in Bucharest from 2005 to 2010.
There's also an online alt-reality game called "Chasing the Shadow" in which the player is an FBI agent whose assignment involves "driving" a Ford Taurus.
The company denied local news reports that Batista was a former FBI agent, and warned those reports could put his life at risk.
A SI公司否认了地方新闻报道中关于巴蒂斯塔是前f BI探员的说法,并且警告说这些报道可能会将巴蒂斯塔置于危险的境地。
FBI agent Roland Corvington identified the suspect as Shannon Beck, who lives a few miles from the home of the motherbaby.
The man is one of the three suspects in a string of robberies. One led to the shooting of an FBI agent accidentally shot by a colleague.
The man is one of the three suspects in a string of robberies. One led to the shooting of an FBI agent accidentally shot by a colleague.