A lot of the fee-for-service-based deals will probably, because of the lower costs, will be moving to the Asia-Pacific.
These companies initially agreed to bear all expenses, expecting to sign up 10-25% of each city's population for a fee-based wireless service.
起初,这些公司预计每座城市会有10 ~ 25%的居民签约收费无线服务,因而同意负担所有费用。
The company, which has more than 20 million users, offers a free, advertising-supported version for consumers and a fee-based service for enterprise customers.
A service provider is the entity that is responsible for the deployment environment and provisioning aspects related to making a fee-based web service available for sale.
The center device has a fee calculator for calculating a fee based on the operation history of the sensor received from the security service management terminal.
The center device has a fee calculator for calculating a fee based on the operation history of the sensor received from the security service management terminal.