The lower the price of a module, the more attractive a feed-in tariff looks.
The increase was thanks to subsidies including a price premium for solar-powered electricity called a feed-in tariff.
Power costs around half a shekel, or 15 cents, a kilowatt-hour and feed-in tariffs have recently dipped below 2 shekels.
So why do the same people support a feed-in tariff scheme under which we pay 41p per kilowatt hour for rooftop solar electricity?
France announced a moratorium on its feed-in tariff last December, and Italy and Germany also made their subsidies less generous.
The cost to European electricity users was enormous: they cover the subsidies, which are known as feed-in tariffs, in their bills.
The committee's only really bad idea is feed-in tariffs-hefty subsidies to renewable energy-of a sort used in many European countries.
The committee's only really bad idea is feed-in tariffs—hefty subsidies to renewable energy—of a sort used in many European countries.
As a result, the feed-in tariff has been reduced, and will be reduced again this summer, dampening demand and favouring low-cost producers.
That may be overly optimistic: in Germany, where feed-in tariffs began in 2000, there were just 290,000 micro-power installations by the end of 2006.
They are less efficient than a carbon price and distort the market—witness Spain’s solar feed-in tariff, which caused a boom in the industry, followed by a bust this year.
这项手段没有碳税那样富有成效,而且扭曲市场。 例如西班牙的太阳能关税补贴使工业得到蓬勃发展,但随之而来的则是萧条的一年。
First, institute national feed-in tariffs or a renewable portfolio standard - two ways to require that utilities buy clean energy in a minimum amount or at a certain price.
首先,制定全国性的收购费率,或者可展期资产标准- - - - -两种途径都要求公用事业公司购买最低额度的清洁能源,或者必须以固定的价格购买。
If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries.
If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit.
In another incident, elevated dioxin levels were detected in animal feed in the Netherlands in 2006 and the source was identified as contaminated fat used in the production of the feed.
The chemical can prevent pigs from accumulating fat, but is poisonous to humans and thus banned in pig feed in China.
For example, in your script, you accessed every feed in the main list, which can be a time consuming prospect.
A very common use is to feed in passwords, which typically should be unique to every deployment.
Note that a context corresponds to a snapshot of a feed in time.
A failure to read a news feed in your example produces an empty list of news.
You can then subscribe to this churned feed in any feed reader and enjoy the full content.
They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.
Testing is another kind of runtime analysis: You feed in data or events and check to see that you got the right behavior from the program.
This allows them to feed in many different flight patterns and adjust the algorithm accordingly.
This allows them to feed in many different flight patterns and adjust the algorithm accordingly.