They are less efficient than a carbon price and distort the market—witness Spain’s solar feed-in tariff, which caused a boom in the industry, followed by a bust this year.
这项手段没有碳税那样富有成效,而且扭曲市场。 例如西班牙的太阳能关税补贴使工业得到蓬勃发展,但随之而来的则是萧条的一年。
So why do the same people support a feed-in tariff scheme under which we pay 41p per kilowatt hour for rooftop solar electricity?
As a result, the feed-in tariff has been reduced, and will be reduced again this summer, dampening demand and favouring low-cost producers.
The increase was thanks to subsidies including a price premium for solar-powered electricity called a feed-in tariff.
The lower the price of a module, the more attractive a feed-in tariff looks.
In the absence of a feed-in tariff, wind power projects with more than 50mw of capacity need to undertake a public bidding process in which low tariffs are the primary criterion for winning.
在没有电网回购(feed - in tariff)的情况下,拥有50兆瓦以上容量的风力发电项目需要进行公开招标,低电价成为中标的首要标准。
France announced a moratorium on its feed-in tariff last December, and Italy and Germany also made their subsidies less generous.
As things stand, the feed-in tariff for solar goes down by 5% every year.
Manufacturers and solar installers say demand for modules is increasing because of low prices, new feed-in tariff programs and greater public awareness.
The law says electricity produced from renewable sources must be purchased by utilities according to a generous "feed-in tariff" that sets higher-than-market rates and fixes them for 20 years.
But quickly in Germany you saw a move away from that and back to rooftop, "he says. In fact, the German feed-in tariff does not offer any incentives for ground mount."
And soon, nearly 200 new solar photovoltaic modules will be installed throughout the state as part of a pilot feed-in tariff program.
And soon, nearly 200 new solar photovoltaic modules will be installed throughout the state as part of a pilot feed-in tariff program.