With these received feed items, content consumers can quickly go through the titles and descriptions of a selected feed channel.
The water feed channel (or Flume) continues to follow the curve of the wheel downwards to a point directly underneath the axle where it flows into the tailwater stream.
The name of the channel or feed.
The single output channel of the ParaplexInt would then feed into a CSProcess, which in turn would read an array with three elements and print them out in the appropriately formatted table.
Two other large Hebei reservoirs, Gangnan and Huangbizhuang (see map), were the first to feed the new channel.
A channel is simply the feed itself and it's associated information.
In the channel facet, we can specify which attributes we want to display for the RSS channel and in the item facet; we can specify which attributes we want to display for every feed item.
The channel element contains metadata about the feed, including its title, language, and URL.
The title for the entire feed (as distinct from the titles of the individual stories in the feed) resides in the title child of the channel child of the RSS root element.
The main element is the Channel tag, which contains the entries as well as metadata about the feed.
As an example, you can access the top-level channel or feed properties using feed_data.feed or feed_data. [' feed '].
比如,可以使用feed _ data. feed或feed _ data . ['feed ']访问顶层频道或者消息包属性。
What happens to an expression such as $doc->rss->channel->item->title when an item does not have a title (as is the case in at least one top-100 RSS feed)?
如果项没有标题(比如在top-100 这样的RSS提要中),$doc->rss->channel->item->title 这样的表达式会怎么样呢?
To overcome the external disturbance caused by load variation, a feed-forward channel type and its structure parameters are designed.
Injection mould feed system is an important component of the structure design of injection mould, and is also the only channel for molten plastic flowing into mold cavity.
The problems were essentially resolved through fatigue analysis and optimization of the structure of feed bin of PTA pneumatic transmission channel.
According to the principle of decentralized arrangement of internal pouring channel of proportional solidification technology, designed decentralized feed pouring system.
We study the linear transmission of analog message for Gaussian autoregressive channel with noiseless feed-back by means of optimal control method.
We study the linear transmission of analog message for Gaussian autoregressive channel with noiseless feed-back by means of optimal control method.