The equations are extra nonlinear differential equations. The dexter function is not continuous in field of real number.
The equations are extra nonlinear differential equations. the dexter function is not continuous in field of real number .
By using variables separation in the complex number field, the real analytical solution in the form of Fourier series was obtained.
The divisor decompose of polynomial in real number field be important in the many field of elementary mathematics.
The simplified fuzzy reasoning model with the advantage that the model can output real number directly are frequently applied to the field of the control system.
The universal gravitation field is described by imaginary number in the paper. It's energy density is negative real number. And it accord with conservation of energy.
In this paper, We study the classification and the properties of their derivation algebras of 2-dimensional Lie triple systems over the complex (real) number field.
This app combines a number of years engaged in seismic exploration experience of the experts, real-time identify the abnormal signal of magnetic field of earth, it has a strong practical value.
Then he considers the case of algebraic numbers and obtains some results like the following: Every real algebraic number field of finite degree is non-inductive;
Then he considers the case of algebraic numbers and obtains some results like the following: Every real algebraic number field of finite degree is non-inductive;