He has done sterling work on the finance committee.
The committee has oversight of finance and general policy.
Retaining her post as finance minister in the new administration, she came under fire from a House special committee investigating the Bank Century bailout.
Similar noises were made by Olympia Snowe of Maine, the lone Republican to vote for the bill passing out of the Senate’s finance committee.
缅因州的奥林匹亚•斯诺(Olympia Snowe)也作出过类似表示,她是唯一一个投票支持参议院金融委员会通过的议案的共和党人。
Republican senator Orrin Hatch, the most senior Republican on the Senate finance committee, issued a statement that was echoed by many of his colleagues.
The Senate finance committee bill follows one passed in July by the Senate health committee, and three from House committees.
在参议院卫生委员会(Senate Health Committee)通过一个法案,众议院通过三个法案之后,参议院金融委员会(Senate Finance Committee)通过该法案。
An IMF-appointed committee headed by South Africa's finance minister, Trevor Manuel, reported to the fund on March 24th.
Estonia has two more hurdles to jump before it can scotch the scoffers: an EU committee meeting at the end of May, followed by a finance ministers' summit in early June.
The full Finance Committee will consider it next week.
The same might be said of a committee of European finance ministers, which also met this week.
He was roundly criticized in his Finance Committee hearing on Wednesday, but its bipartisan vote reflected members' opinion that Mr. Geithner's expertise outweighed his personal tax lapses.
The Senate Finance Committee approved a sweeping health care bill last week that did not include a public option.
The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner’s hearing until January 21st.
The Finance Committee tried to iron out the bumps and delayed Mr Geithner's hearing until January 21st.
That, at least, is the picture that emerged this week from the deliberations of the Senate Finance Committee.
Two subcommittees have been set up under the Finance committee. They are the Establishment subcommittee and the public Works subcommittee, both of which also conduct meetings in public.
How would you feel about taking on my responsibility for the finance committee?
Bank of Canada head Stephen Poloz is testify before the finance committee in Ottawa.
After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement with the finance committee.
We are pushing the proposal through the finance committee.
The warning came despite a Senate Finance Committee Investigation that has lasted for two years.
You can't push your proposals through the finance committee.
For example, you may wish to have your district finance committee chair spend some time talking with club secretaries and treasurers about the correlation between club and district finances.
The committee made a special effort to finance scientists who are only beginning such research.
When funds are raised for a specific purpose, a budget should be prepared and submitted to you and to the district finance committee for approval.
What additional responsibilities does your district require of the district finance committee?
"Riddled with budget gimmicks, this proposal's deficit reduction doesn't even pass the laugh test, " said Senator Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.
The Board recommends appointing a district finance committee to assist you with maintaining fiscal control within your district.
The Board recommends appointing a district finance committee to assist you with maintaining fiscal control within your district.