That enables the structure of the resulting film to be fine tuned.
External stroke adjust screws with locking set screws provide fine tuned rotary position.
The test strategy is fine tuned with the various stakeholders until formal acceptance is achieved.
I still do lots of sketches, but the lettering tends to get really developed and fine tuned on the computer.
If your priority is time, you need to protect some of yours. You need enough exercise, rest, and healthy food to be fine tuned.
Usage of the JUC package is becoming more and more popular as more applications are either developed or fine tuned to run better on multicore systems.
However, the current running environments and applications might have been well configured, fine tuned, and robustly tested for the custom requirements of the business.
With a very unique and patented relative humidity calculation algorithm, the system can assure accurate relative humidity output through fine tuned temperature compensation mechanism.
The technology is so fine-tuned then that even a non-sound, when carefully placed in a particular position, has been invested with a specific function.
When necessary, the approach and test techniques can be fine-tuned.
JSF's fine-tuned event model allows your applications to be less tied to HTTP details and simplifies your development effort.
Next, explore how the tool USES this configuration and look at ways it can be fine-tuned.
More fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing of blinds could easily ameliorate these issues.
But sometimes, analyzing a URL outside of a web page may also give a better, because more diverse and fine-tuned, ranking.
Why alpha takes on the precise value it has, so delicately fine-tuned for life, is a deep scientific mystery.
A company that bases its actions on data can make very specific, fine-tuned decisions.
Having fine-tuned an unsecured retail lending model for emerging market conditions, Home Credit is now looking at a venture that could alter the whole profile of the business - by moving into Asia.
The more fine-tuned and complex the regulation, the more you need skilled regulators to implement it.
That the most controversial bill before parliament is being fine-tuned at meetings chaired by Mr Berlusconi's trial lawyer, for example, no longer even merits comment.
The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
Surveillance for preparedness and alert must be tailor-made and fine-tuned for dengue.
The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
Back up your environment and perform the upgrade using the detailed plan that you have developed and fine-tuned in the previous stages.
She possessed a fine-tuned sense of beauty.
At the NASA Ames Research Center, Kanerva and colleagues fine-tuned his scheme for a sparse distributed memory in the mid-1980s by designing a very robust practical version in a computer.
Instead of a broad front, these solutions are targeted to specific theaters and are fine-tuned to serve business needs in specific industries.
The movie script is fine-tuned through many iterations to match the director's vision of meeting these functional requirements.
These agents' motives and behaviours can be fine-tuned to mess things up with the same aplomb as a real employee.
You will get nearly all the benefits of JDBC without the excessive coding, plus have a layered architecture and the ability to reuse your fine-tuned SQL queries.
Creation of the terra cotta army required hundreds of conscripted artisans, who mass-produced the soldiers' bodies but gave every face a fine-tuned individuality.