In August 2003, the Fire Scout was selected as the Class IV UAS for the Army's Future Combat Systems.
The Fire Scout will reach initial Operating Capability soon after OpEval in 2009, says a representative.
A pilotless helicopter packed with sensors and cameras, Fire Scout, already tracks drug smugglers in Latin America and recently arrived in Afghanistan.
配备了传感器和摄像头的无人直升机,“火探”(Fire Scout)曾经在拉丁美洲追踪过毒贩,最近被运至阿富汗。
The first MQ-8B Fire Scout flight using this production control segment took place Dec. 15 at the Webster Field annex of Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Md.
And as any girl scout knows, twigs catch light more readily than branches, so a twiggy sort of plant can catch fire more readily than its non-twiggy sister.
Before you start to dig your Dakota fire hole you should scout out an area where soil conditions are conducive to its proper construction. You will want to avoid areas.
Artillery can fire further than any other vehicle. Use the increased range to disrupt enemy movement from safe distances and use snipers to scout enemy units.
Artillery can fire further than any other vehicle. Use the increased range to disrupt enemy movement from safe distances and use snipers to scout enemy units.