Separation of first and last name. The personal with the formal.
Requirements: a word, first and last name with the word, easy to write and easy to remember.
Each row contains a user ID, an email address, first and last name, phone number, and mailing address.
Please note that the example above assumes that we are passing in the customer's first and last name to the first argument.
The Voice Server SDK processes the result set from the query, and tells the user the first and last name of the employees selected.
Users expect to see names (first and last name), dates (year, month and day) and time (hour and minute) written on a single line.
This code tells ActiveScaffold to limit searching on this scaffold to the user's first and last name and disables full text search.
这段代码告诉ActiveScaffold要限制对这个scaffold 的搜索 —— 只允许使用用户的姓和名进行搜索,禁用全文搜索。
Hint: Choose a display name that contains your first and last name, such as james_coughlin, so you are easy to find and recognize in the community.
(提示:选择一个包含您的名和姓的昵称,例如 james_coughlin,这样别人就可以轻松地在社区中查找和识别您)。
The first two columns display the first and last name of staff members while the third column displays the first and last name separated by a space.
Even such a name as Simpson may belong to this last group, and not to the first, had the family once had its home in the ancient village of that name.
I am Li Ming. My first name is Ming and my last name is Li.
If you have a complex name (more than just first and last), see these examples for more information on how to structure your name.
As example, I want to build a stored procedure that can be used to retrieve certain fields (like First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Work Department) from all employees that have a certain job.
作为示例,我想构建一个可用于从所有担任某种职位的员工获取特定字段(如First Name、MiddleInitial、Last Name和WorkDepartment)的存储过程。
In the real world these might represent "Last Name" and "First Name" respectively.
在现实世界中,这些名称可能分别表示“Last Name”和“First Name”。
It will also depend on how many people have the same first name and last name: it is less likely that there are two "April Back-Cunninghams" in the same city than there are two "Robert Johnsons".
另外还取决于多少人具有相同的名和姓:在同一个城市中有两个“April Back-Cunninghams”的几率比有两个“Robert Johnsons”的几率低。
It also demonstrates how to test two fields for uniqueness (First Name and Last Name).
它还展示了如何测试这两个字段(First Name和Last Name)的惟一性。
Then, using the design or source views, create three text fields for the ID number, First Name and Last Name fields and a Submit action to perform a POST.
然后,使用设计或源代码视图,创建三个文本域(IDnumber、First Name和Last Name域)和执行POST的Submit操作。
On the Employee directory page, select the country from the drop-down list, enter the Last name and First name, and click Submit.
在Employeedirectory页面,从下拉列表中选择国家,输入Last name以及First name,并单击Submit。
The first parameter is for the name, the second for the actions, and the last for the relationship.
That is just way too long for their system and so my name was written all together with no Spaces and they also dropped the last a from my second first name.
Such a component could have 3 specific attributes (for first name, last name, and date of birth) and 3 input fields, laid out in a grid.
There are about 16,000 different combinations of adjective, first name, and last name; you can edit the agent and add to the lists to increase the number of combinations.
May I have your last name and first initial, please?
Suppose EIS1 had employees whose name was represented as a full name, and EIS2 also had employees, but with the name stored as a first name and a last name.
Suppose EIS1 had employees whose name was represented as a full name, and EIS2 also had employees, but with the name stored as a first name and a last name.