In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
This problem seemed to be complex in the first instance, but it could be easily solved.
This is the first instance in which Richard will do what he later describes Mencken doing, using words as weapons.
Instance userid for first instance: db2admin.
By default, the first instance in the form is submitted.
The court of first instance will sit at two in the afternoon.
Intel says it will appeal to the European Court of First Instance.
The default port number of 389 will be chosen for the first instance.
将为第一个实例选择缺省端口号 389。
After the first instance verdict, Lin appealed to the Nanjing intermediate court.
The High Court shall comprise the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance.
The first instance of queryTerm is actually an expression made up of two queryTerms.
queryTerm的第一个实例实际上就是一个由两个queryTerm 组成的表达式。
It is vital to lodge your protests locally in the first instance. Report the cruelty to.
Notice that the first instance of each identifier Eclipse has added is enclosed in a box.
The application server wil be called app1 for the first instance and app2 for the second.
Notice that the first instance of each identifier that Eclipse has added is enclosed in boxes.
You, too, would eventually merge into THAT silence from which you emerged in the first instance.
The first instance to acquire exclusive access to the queue manager data becomes the active instance.
You can type this into the shell for the first instance of Erlang you created: { basic, 'two@mammoth'} !
可以将此代码键入之前创建的第一个 Erlang实例的shell 中: {basic,'two@mammoth'} !
The first instance has a path starting with "C:" (see Figure 8), which is the path on the Citrix server.
第一个实例拥有以“C:”开始的路径(见于图8),它是位于 Citrix 服务器上的路径。
Other journalists may well see an angle or detail in the document that we were not aware of in the first instance.
The first instance is the service or software that offers a free trial and then converts users into paying customers.
It launches a special program, env, that in turn launches the first instance of squirrelsh found in your PATH variable.
Article 161 in cases tried in accordance with the procedure provided in this Chapter, the judgment of first instance shall be final.
Therefore, the result returns only the addresses from the first instance because the element does not exist in the second instance.
The second remark bears on the criticism of the material propositions to which that elevation in thought in the first instance leads.
The children were chosen in the first instance because they already liked drawing and they were already intrinsically motivated to draw.
In September 2007 the European Court of First Instance ruled that the firm had stifled competition by tying its media player to Windows.
In the case of GE and Honeywell the European Court of First Instance criticised the commission's legal reasoning, but upheld its decision.
In the case of GE and Honeywell the European Court of First Instance criticised the commission's legal reasoning, but upheld its decision.