From 1950 to 1987, there appeared an increasingly delaying trend in first marriage age for both men and women.
从1950 - 1987年,男性和女性的初婚年龄出现不断推迟的趋势。
The women's educational level can be involved into certain factors like birth idea, family structure, first marriage age, employment status to influence the fertility rate.
The results Show that the level of women's education, residence, first marriage age and husband's occupation are the significant factors and all of these are affected the average number...
The results Show that the level of women's education, residence, first marriage age and husband's occupation are the significant factors and all of these are affected the average number of wo...
The results Show that the level of women's education, residence, first marriage age and husband's occupation are the significant factors and all of these are affected the average number of women's...
The average age of first marriage has risen steadily for decades.
Their fears were not unfounded—the mean age at first marriage did rise—but in time, approximately 92 percent of these Southern-born white women found someone to partner with.
The median age at first marriage for women has gone from 21 in 1970 to 27 presently.
Married off to her cousin at age 16, she had been beaten routinely by her husband and in-laws in their poor rural home in Paktia province for the first three years of her marriage.
Since 1991, the mean age at first marriage has increased by just over four years for men and women.
In 2007, the mean age at first marriage increased to 31.9 years for men and 29.8 years for women, compared with 2006, when the figures were 31.8 and 29.7 respectively.
The report by the National Marriage Project finds that by age 25 just 38% of women would've married, but 44% have had a baby, for women as a whole, 48% of first births are outside wedlock.
This paper also analyzes the consequences of marriage squeeze in the three aspects of proportion of lifetime unmarried, age of first marriage, and age difference between the couples.
Methods The statistical description of fertility rate, age at first marriage, age at first birth, interval between marriage and first birth, birth interval.
The average age at first marriage was 20.58 years old, and ft is affected by different areas, periods , women' education and so on.
Although in many countries we can assist to a gradual increase in the median age of first marriage, this has been mainly restricted to children from families with higher revenues.
This paper also analyzes the consequences of marriage squeeze in the three aspects of proportion of lifetime unmarried, age of first marriage, and age difference...
Wider university access and later marriage also help explain why the average age of first-time buyers is increasing.
In 1960, the median age for a first marriage was 20 for women and 22 for men, and just one in 10 people over 25 had never married.
She says that she fastens first marriage with husband, is an all big age adolescent, the quare has been wanting to marry to give birth to a son earlier.
First of all Congratulations to you all soon tie the knot, I wish you happy married life, old age a long marriage.
First of all Congratulations to you all soon tie the knot, I wish you happy married life, old age a long marriage.