An immersion fluid containment system (214) is provided to maintain the immersion liquid (212) in the gap during removal of the first work piece (208) and replacement with the second work piece.
That's an impressive piece of work and a good first step towards combating this problem, although they'll need to test it on a much wider range of datasets.
When you submit a piece of work to be marked, it is first recorded by the office and then passed to the first marker, usually one of the tutors from your course.
That content, though - what should be on the page or screen, and which buttons a user should have to click to make it work - defines the first piece of production code that a developer can write.
Are there adequate approved samples, first piece samples, reference samples and work instructions to provide workers with proper guidelines?
One of the first jobs when you start work in an office is to learn how to use every piece of equipment.
Whenever you start a new project at work the first thing you should do is read every piece of written material you can find on whatever you will be responsible for.
Are there adequate approved samples, first piece samples, reference samples and work instructions to provide workers with proper guidelines?
Two new quenching methods are proposed as follows:1. Interrupted quenching, whereby the work-piece is first cooled in water or a water-based solution, then cooled in the muddy quenching medium, 2.
The first component has a first contact portion for engaging the work-piece.
At first he was easily given a piece of work in a bank.
In the thesis, first, the purpose-tool machine that introduced the design tool machine processes the work piece to process the craft and technique request.
Target of center and plan for ten years of piece first: 80 years old of healthy work;
Because the bore of the work piece 17 and 14 all want to face to be used as the basis to process with the bottom, past have to do a bottom to face first of process the tongs.
Because the bore of the work piece 17 and 14 all want to face to be used as the basis to process with the bottom, past have to do a bottom to face first of process the tongs.