Flexible manufacture system is influenced by accidental incidents in running, So dispatch must be fit for changing of running environment.
With its control strategy which could be used in manufacture, the softwares of system had advantage of simple manipulation, flexible function, good ability of migrating and extending.
As the design of the invention is very simple, it is possible to manufacture it with flexible plastic material and use the apparatus as a disposable system.
After the obstacle is removed, the device can run along required trajectory. The function of the device can assure the flexible requirement of manufacture system.
Flexible manufacture system is a relatively new policy that promotes productivity.
With the widespread application of the flexible manufacture system in the production manufacturing area, the research on flexible job shop scheduling methods gradually has been becoming a top issue.
The flexible bar station system can help you increase the work efficiency, save working space, reduce operation process, and accord with first-in-first-out manufacture technique in lean production.
It is proven that the system is practical, flexible, reliable and it can cut down the time of design and manufacture with high quality.
It is proven that the system is practical, flexible, reliable and it can cut down the time of design and manufacture with high quality.