Wild pigs attracted golden eagles from the mainland, and those flying predators crashed the fox population.
A decade ago, this island's ecosystem was in chaos. Wild pigs attracted golden eagles from the mainland, and those flying predators crashed the fox population.
Food sellers deciding how to inform consumers about nutritional quality is a classic case of the fox guarding the hen house, and results in feather-flying fiascos like Smart Choices.
At the same time, the five tailed fox are quarrelling with some aliens about a failed flying test.
The crew pulled the flying fox hard against the bus, raising Hughes above the raging water. He could feel the bus shifting in the current.
I see a red fox, a flying squirrel, a mountain goat, a bule heron, a prairie dog, a striped skunk, a mule deer, a rattlesnake, a screech owl and my baby bear looking at me-that's what I see!
It seemed the only alternative was to use the flying fox.
One kind of megabat that lives in Africa and India even is called a "flying fox" because it's so large!
The flying fox is not a fox at all.
He looked at the crane flying, and at that moment the fox ran out of the burrow and darted into the bushes.
The paper separately does rhetoric de-reading for Flying Fox of Snow Mountain and Norwegian wood, proves the proposition of "narrative as rhetoric" with concrete texts.
Flying Fox of the QRT export program file data source, run-time need to modify the appropriate directory.
Flying Fox of the QRT export program file data source, run-time need to modify the appropriate directory.