We would only need to do some follow ups on physiotherapy, on scar management, and maybe some continuous pain management for some weeks.
Frequent ophthalmologic follow ups are mandatory to be sure that therapy is being performed correctly and to avoid the possible unfavorable effects of noncompliance.
ConclusionThe treatment for PDR with NVD should use much larger amount of laser than that of routine therapy. Regular follow ups must be done and further photocoagulation can be given if necessary.
Use financial incentives to encourage health-care providers to make services accessible and provide comprehensive assessments, treatment, and follow-ups.
Once a prospect is generated, sales follow-ups are personalized and very soft touch.
Burg says that people who fall into this category could do better with more regular health-care follow-ups.
If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push ups!
Regular updates, meetings, and follow-ups are essential.
All our relationships follow the patterns of life; they have ups and downs.
You will need to collaborate and do follow-ups on your projects.
In a prospective study, participants are followed over time (e.g. across five years), and baseline information is compared with later follow-ups.
Follow-ups could last several years.
Send out periodic email follow-ups making sure your customers are happy and asking them for feedback on your product and the service your company has provided.
Due to the popularity of "Secret Garden" and its numerous follow-ups, coloring books are no longer seen as a pastime only to be enjoyed by children.
Ranking first in the needs for continuous medical services is medical appointments, with telephone follow-ups coming next.
Must be able to manage their own time in an efficient manner without supervision to meet deadlines, incorporate meetings and follow-ups and maintain design excellence.
There are then follow-ups a year and two years later.
Work with external auditors for any audit finding or weakness follow-ups.
Results The postoperative follow-ups with 6~24 months revealed good results of the symmetrical nasal wings and nostrils and centered nasal columella.
In the follow-up study, we analysed the results through X graphs, and subjective and objective clinical check-ups.
While all of us follow the same general pattern of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person.
After these highly successful films Spielberg made several follow-ups of Jaws and Jurassic park.
The follow - ups of all infants continued to their age of 12 weeks old, and 143 cases was effective.
While all of us follow the same general patterns of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person.
Nephron-sparing surgery should be the optimal choice in its therapeutics and reinforced postoperative follow-ups are required.
Direct exchanges between the candidates and moderator follow-ups are permitted after each candidate has two minutes to answer the lead question in an order determined by a coin toss.
Alec is working on several follow-ups to How To Talk To Girls. How To Talk To Moms, How To Talk To Dads and How To Talk To Grandparents are already in the pipeline.
Blogs are enormously useful, if only because of the way they allow communities with similar politics to follow the ups and down of a campaign as a group.
Blogs are enormously useful, if only because of the way they allow communities with similar politics to follow the ups and down of a campaign as a group.