The sudden decline in foot traffic in recent years, even though it hasn't been accompanied by a massive decline in physical sales, is a critical warning.
From hereon only foot traffic.
Follow established foot traffic routes.
Another criterion is the population base or the foot traffic.
But bad things can happen when foot traffic spills into the streets.
And for the few stores are open on those streets, there is no foot traffic.
For now businesses that get the extra foot traffic are paying nothing at all.
Foot traffic has slowed to a shuffle along some of the city's most famous corridors.
Careful spatial planning has maximised foot traffic within the interlinking coffee shop and restaurant.
The business is in a great location in the city's downtown, where it gets a great amount of foot traffic.
That's true even though many are seeing a little more foot traffic after the worst summer for home sales in a decade.
"This is designed for public safety, consumer protection and to start increasing the foot traffic into the stores, " Halloran said.
In contrast, Tesla stores are better off in areas that have a lot of foot traffic, he said. Some are in places like malls and city centers.
That border is extremely mountainous, winding, and porous to foot traffic back and forth - posing a constant challenge for military planners on both sides.
Those users in turn are spread out over 65, 000 virtual acres, so foot traffic in any particular place—say, on a company\'s branded island—tends to be light.
These are best in areas with foot traffic and playing children, because most sprinklers and the underground risers to which they attach are made of breakable PVC plastic.
Because of its popularity, the roads leading to the site have become congested due to increased vehicle traffic, foot traffic, and the appearance of small shops and kiosks.
Wendy's serves breakfast at certain locations with plenty of foot traffic, but the CEO has said it would require too much marketing to expand the service to all locations.
Miller and other museum officials said spring break, along with special events like the NCAA basketball tournament in Tucson, Ariz., are contributing to increased foot traffic.
The air sampled from the South Pole's clean air sector (a zone where air traffic, land vehicles, and even foot traffic is strictly limited) is touted as the cleanest air on Earth.
Their goal was less to drive foot traffic to Wabash avenue-which runs parallel to the more popular north-south thoroughfares of State Street and Michigan avenue-than to put a fresh spin on public art.
This means the person on foot should be on the left, facing traffic, and the bike rider should be on the right, going with it.
If you go by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.
It's common for a foot of snow to fall in the course of a few hours, turning traffic into a nightmare of sliding and stalling cars.
I found that it was a private bridge, and it appeared to be used for both foot - and snowmobile traffic.
Fast and immune to traffic congestion, bicycle patrols make far more arrests than foot patrols in Seattle.
That day there was a lot of traffic on the road and hundreds of people were coming and going, on foot and on mules, in wagons and in carts.
That day there was a lot of traffic on the road and hundreds of people were coming and going, on foot and on mules, in wagons and in carts.