We've been shooting for a pay raise for months.
A: I’m really longing for a pay raise.
Your request for a pay raise has been turned away.
He is loyal to his master and never asks for a pay raise.
He went to see the boss with the intention of asking for a pay raise.
Deb is meeting with her boss, Mr. Squires, to negotiate for a pay raise.
He can guide the blind. He is loyal to his master and never asks for a pay raise.
If you insist on your demand for a pay raise, I shall have no choice but to dismiss you.
The pitching robot, with its three-fingered hand, can throw 90 percent of its pitches in the strike zone, won't need any relief from the bullpen and never asks for a pay raise.
If you can give your boss something he or she needs (a new client or a sizable contract, for example) just before merit pay decisions are being made, you are more likely to get the raise you want.
If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.
That kind of dividend yield on the shares of a company that I know will be around to pay its dividend -- and probably raise it -- for years and years meets my definition of cheap.
He also hopes to produce a plan to raise the consumption (sales) tax to help pay for an overhaul of the social-security system, which is about to face an onslaught of retiring baby-boomers.
People who complain about being pressed for time often blame an overload at work, home—or both. Now researchers are pointing to a surprising culprit: the pay raise.
Making polluters pay for their emissions will inevitably raise the cost of electricity and fuel, which will feel like a big hike in taxes in the midst of a recession.
W: suppose the company offered you a pay raise of 50%, would you be determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?
That value can be used as a trade-in; or the vehicle can be sold privately to help raise money to pay for a new one — or for some other need.
Thinking about starting a blog and wondering how to make it pay off for your career? Blogging can raise your professional profile, expand your network, and impress prospective employers.
PAUL KRUGMAN: a flat tax would either (a) be much higher for most people than the tax they currently pay or (b) raise much less revenue than the current system.
Asking for a raise: Bosses are most receptive to requests for pay rises on Wednesdays, a survey of more than 1,500 UK top brass shows.
Suppose the company offered you a pay raise of 50%, would you be determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?
If you do think your recent work merits a raise or promotion, sleuth out what is appropriate to ask for in terms of pay and new duties.
Banks have recently had to raise reserves: that has created a hunger for deposits which has pushed up what they are willing to pay.
When the Chinese buy a home, a great many don't go to the bank at all - they raise pooled money from the extended family and pay cash for the home - and then repay their relatives over time.
The owner gave his approval for a raise in pay for all employees.
I feel quite embarrassed for requesting a pay raise so quickly.
I think you deserve a pay raise for your hard work.
I think you deserve a pay raise for your hard work.