I wrote my poems in this manner for nearly ten years before my first book was published.
In this manner, the actual JNDI names can be specified differently for each version at deployment time.
In this manner, information services enable flexibility during the composition process by configuring (or exploiting) the underlying data repositories for the business context at hand.
For this project, we wanted to understand the impact of integrating data — even in a simple manner — using the native application programming interfaces (APIs) of each source.
Although business users wanted to use this data for reporting or with other newer programs, there was no effective technique for collecting and reusing data in an organized manner.
This may seem simple, but it is a process that is often taken for granted or done in an AD hoc manner.
In this manner the cat continued to carry presents of game to the king at least once a week for two or three months.
This driver is delivered in the same manner as it was in DB2 9 and includes support for ODBC and CLI interfaces, in addition to the newly added support for.net.
这个驱动程序按照DB 29的方式交付,除了新添加的. NET支持外,还包括针对ODBC和CLI接口的支持。
To answer this question, this series will follow several steps, typically performed in an iterative manner, for identifying Web services from your object-oriented models.
When they are imported in this manner, the projects can be used as the input for the Rational XDE model importer.
The rich text format portlets are included in the same manner as described earlier in this article for adding the ClearQuest Integration portlet.
Any property of an SVG object can be changed in this manner. For example, if I change the animate line to read.
WS-Routing (this enables SOAP-based protocol for routing SOAP messages in an asynchronous manner over a variety of transports like TCP, UDP and HTTP).
WS - Routing(它使基于SOAP的协议能够在各种传输协议(如tcp、UDP和HTTP)上以异步方式路由SOAP消息)。
This gives you a framework for consistently finding and fixing code smells in a repeatable manner.
This troubled her, and in her manner she was all the more gentle and anxious for her children, as if she loved them very much.
Any migration to DITA works better for information that is already stored in this manner.
All this information needs to be stored in a secure and tamper-resistant manner with the capability to report on it for audit purposes.
This tip showed an example for a server-side service implementation that builds its response message in an element-wise manner.
So in this case of Modules, the end-user saved on startup time, but will end up paying for it when they move from one Module to the next since each new Module will need to be loaded in a JIT manner.
Controlling the ETL work in this manner can be useful for guaranteeing the proper sequence for loading data warehouse tables that contain primary or foreign key dependencies.
Anthropologists say all this was only possible because people were willing to treat total strangers in a manner once reserved for kin.
But, it is inherent in the physics of the transistor, when it is used in this manner, that the output will vary by a known amount for a given change in temperature.
But how we do automate this context-to-content mapping for developing software in a consistent manner to allow better consumability of reusable assets, such as models and patterns?
In this manner, XML documents can be easily stripped to their industry standard level again and re-used for industry communication.
For crosscutting functionality that could not capture the needed join points in a generic manner, however, this approach would be limiting.
For simplicity's sake, the example scenario will be configured in this manner.
But the motivation for this art is common to every culture: imagine a talented host from any country whose manner is so easy that guests are wrapped in a mood of quiet happiness.
Your heart rate during running rises and falls in a very predictable manner, and because of this you can use it as a gauge for different levels of running intensity.
When a browser sends a request for a URL that has been rewritten in this manner, the JSP container automatically extracts the session ID and associates the request with the corresponding session.
When a browser sends a request for a URL that has been rewritten in this manner, the JSP container automatically extracts the session ID and associates the request with the corresponding session.