The text included regarding Annex A is for information only and specific comments are not required at this stage.
附录A (提供信息的)包括在附录A中的文字仅仅作为参考并且特殊评语在目前阶段不做要求。
Therefore a link to the WHO web site must be used for information only, and not for the promotion of any organisation, product or service.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) does not recognise global ranking per country; the medal tables are displayed for information only.
The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. The translated version is for information only.
The analysis in this article is provided for information only and is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.
AAA information file can be used not only for identity mapping but also for authentication and authorization.
For this test, it shows only information, because there were no problems encountered.
The inumber is only one important item of information for a file.
The option client indicates that deployment information is for client side only.
Since the defragment operation may run quickly, especially for smaller tables, the defragment information may be available for only a short period of time.
If possible, only ask users for information that is absolutely required.
Secure: Authenticated consumers should be permitted only to invoke services and access information for which they are authorized.
People wrongly think of attention information as beings useful only for advertising and marketing.
Since the data mart is designed for a specific group of end users, it is good idea to make sure it only contains necessary information for the group.
This is a cursory introduction only: for more information, see Resources.
We're able to filter out extraneous facts and piece together only the necessary information for getting a job done.
The XML data that is passed from the core of your application to the front end should contain only information necessary for display and further processing.
The information will be used internally only for web site traffic analysis.
Disclaimer: The information presented is for information purposes only.
Specifies that only database-level information for all available databases is to be collected and displayed.
Pure data documents for information exchange between applications only
Privacy advocates said they welcomed Viacom's commitment to using the information only for the purposes of the litigation, but they remained concerned about protecting user rights.
Competitive products, such as the voice search in Microsoft's Live search for mobile, can only handle queries for specific local information, such as directions to a local pizza parlor.
I created this E-mail address to be used only for area code information requests, so the rule applies to all messages sent to that address.
If you are withholding information to protect the children, you can only do that for so long.
The notes not only provide specific information for columns or tables, but can also be utilized to track progress or status through a given source.
The map thus not only presented information, but became a tool for generating information .
因此地图不仅可以展示信息,而且也成了一个产生信息的工具 。
As described earlier, a single pass of either the host or port scanning information is only useful for the instant in time when the scan was executed.
As described earlier, a single pass of either the host or port scanning information is only useful for the instant in time when the scan was executed.