For example, cardinality restrictions specify the number of relationships that a class of individuals can participate in.
That number is smaller than current figures for the effective population size (or number of breeding individuals) for endangered species such as chimpanzees (21, 000) and gorillas (25, 000).
While these individuals work hard to care for themselves and family, happiness and success isn't necessarily determined by the number of zeros in their bank accounts.
The allozyme analysis was then employed to determine the number of each genotype for both surviving and dead individuals.
The need for physical therapists will continue to rise as the number of individuals with disabilities or limited function spurs demand for therapy services.
However, an existing significant problem for IGA is that users have to evaluate a large number of individuals when the convergence speed of genetic operations is too slow.
The eventual increase of the number of elderly people, particularly very old people, has made care for the elderly a big problem concerning the elderly individuals, their families and the society.
A novel parallel differential evolution (NPDE) algorithm with dynamically adjusting the number of subpopulation individuals was proposed for solving complex optimization problems.
A novel parallel differential evolution (NPDE) algorithm with dynamically adjusting the number of subpopulation individuals was proposed for solving complex optimization problems.