Asian foreign exchange risk: to buy, hold or sell?
There is no formalized foreign exchange risk policy.
Insurance companies are facing with great foreign exchange risk recently.
Foreign exchange risk is very high leverage, not suitable for all investors.
Foreign exchange risks include transaction risk, conversion risk and economic risk.
Under this background, the research of the foreign exchange risk seems to be realistic and important.
Managing the foreign exchange risk through hedging and use of derivatives is very common in these days.
There are many types of risks, but only few of them can bring losses as large as foreign exchange risk.
Foreign exchange risk management is crucial for companies frequently trading in the international market.
As the recession sweep all over the world, China can not avoid and the foreign exchange risk is increasing.
Basted on analyzed results, it is urgent affairs to set up a new system to manage the foreign exchange risk.
Foreign exchange risk and prevention and management has become a business must face and resolve important issues.
Especially the foreign exchange risk is placed at the top of the risks to be concerned for an effective management.
This paper was an empirical research of the early warning of foreign exchange risk in our country by ternary logit model.
In order to survive in this competition age companies have to manage this foreign exchange risk in a planned and good manner.
Whether from the macro or the micro Angle, the foreign exchange risk has a great effect on the general situation of a country.
The back test result shows that the GARCH-EVT model can also better predict the foreign exchange risk like describing share risk.
The risk a bank faces includes Credit risk, Market risk, Capital risk, Liquidity risk, Foreign Exchange risk and Operational risk.
In the foreign exchange risk stress tests, individual listed Banks absolute change of the foreign exchange exposure were different.
Research also includes the management and measurement of foreign exchange risk and studies the different methods of hedging this risk.
Under certain conditions, the credit risk, interest risk, liquidity risk, foreign exchange risk, price risk and other kinds of risks can also occur.
At first, we introduce the general situation of foreign exchange risk management in our country and the measure methods for the foreign exchange risk.
The second is to provide some insurance against foreign exchange risk, by which we mean the adverse consequences of unpredictable changes in exchange rates.
The beginning of the growing importance of transnational corporations on the foreign exchange risk management and reduce transaction risks, increase business value.
Effective managements of the foreign exchange risk is very important, for the stability of our bank systems, it can ensure the reform of foreign exchange rate system.
The corporation use financial derivative instruments to hedge, mainly performance in the management of interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, stock risk and so on.
And on the basis of the abroad quite abundant finance and foreign trade practice, the author puts forward several Suggestions about how to avoid foreign exchange risk.
A manufacturing firm has many opportunities or options to eliminate interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, and the risks associated with property and casualty perils.
In these conditions, the development of new modern and effective methods for managing foreign exchange risk becomes a great necessity for the players in international financial activity.
In these conditions, the development of new modern and effective methods for managing foreign exchange risk becomes a great necessity for the players in international financial activity.