They have quite strong motivation and expectation to learn English though they have not enough confidence in their foreign language competence.
In foreign language teaching (FLT), we should teach students both language knowledge and sociocultural knowledge so as to develop their cross cultural communicative competence.
The importance of understanding target culture and developing cross-cultural communicative competence has been acknowledged in the foreign language teaching (FLT) circle.
A foreign language learner must have not only grammatical competence, but also pragmatic competence to avoid failures in communication.
Therefore training and improving students'pragmatic competence is one of the main tasks in Foreign Language Teaching in China.
Foreign language teaching plays an important role in learner's second language acquisition and teacher talk is the key to organizing class and fostering students' communicative competence.
The aim of CCWEP is to develop the learners' cross-cultural awareness and intercultural communication competence as well as their foreign language writing ability.
The organization of ideas and the learner's language competence are two factors which influence English Foreign Language(EFL)writing.
This paper is on the study of verbal competence and foreign language anxiety influenced by Chinese cultural factors.
This paper discusses the interlanguage pragmatic competence of foreign language learners from three perspectives: definition, teaching, and testing.
The paper explores the nature of the cross-cultural communicative competence and the relationship between language and culture, and then analyses the problems existing in foreign language teaching.
The ultimate mission and aim of foreign language teaching is to cultivate communicative competence of learners.
To cultivate the communicative competence is the ultimate aim of foreign language teaching.
The objective of foreign language teaching is to improve the students' intercultural communicative competence, consisting in cultural knowledge and culture awareness.
Foreign language teaching is to impart knowledge or training language skills, namely communicative competence is always the focus of debate.
The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to cultivate the students'cross-cultural communicative competence.
Classroom teaching plays an important part in foreign language teaching. Therefore teaching methods are a leading factor in cultivating the students communicative competence.
In foreign language teaching, it is useful to improve communicative competence of the foreign language learners in using the pragmatics theory to develop their pragmatics competence.
An experiential learning perspective is adopted in this paper to examine and design class contexts for the development of foreign language communicative competence.
In foreign language learning, reading is not only an important aspect of language abilities, but also a key measure to improve language competence.
So this foreign language teaching of "grammar of culture" must be emphasized in order to develop the students 'competence of cross-cultural communication.
Have favorable ability in foreign language using, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing; Be competence for applying computers.
As an employee of a well-known foreign bank, I have come to know the importance of the ability to use a foreign language and management competence as well.
Classroom teaching plays an important part in foreign language teaching. Therefore the design of teaching methods is a leading factor in cultivating the students' communicative competence.
The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to cultivate students' cross-cultural communicative competence.
This study was designed to explore possible ways to achieve the ultimate pedagogic goal of developing English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' communicative competence.
The main purpose of foreign language teaching is to train the students communicative competence.
The main purpose of foreign language teaching is to train the students communicative competence.