Our company, headquartered in Germany, employs currently around 1200 employees, 500 of which are based in foreign subsidiaries.
Under the competing territorial or exemption system, a country taxes a company only on profits earned at home; dividends paid by foreign subsidiaries are exempt.
In the same month Britain unveiled a budget that, like Ireland's, promised to clobber wealthy individuals but, like Japan's, exempted dividends paid by foreign subsidiaries from tax.
In the past, foreign companies that established subsidiaries were forced into joint ventures with local pharmaceutical companies, but now 100 percent foreign subsidiaries are permitted.
That would require that foreign subsidiaries be independently capitalised, which may also be necessary for a cross-border bank to have a credible "living will", a guide to its orderly resolution.
Companies with global business operations use centralized corporate data centers so that they are not forced to meet local and regional technology platform regulations in their foreign subsidiaries.
Most foreign issuance in the market since its creation in 2007 has come from Banks and their Chinese subsidiaries.
Locally incorporated subsidiaries of foreign Banks are now being allowed to tap this market, though the proceeds must be for domestic use.
The FSA's new proposals presume that subsidiaries and branches of foreign Banks will be self-sufficient in terms of liquidity, unless waivers are granted that allow the parent to provide money.
Meanwhile, foreign IT firms have been beefing up their Indian subsidiaries.
In Italy corporate deposits have also been moving out of the country to other members of the euro zone, or to the subsidiaries of foreign-owned Banks in Italy, according to bankers.
That partly reflects the problems emerging-market Banks face in shifting excess funds into foreign-currency assets, or among subsidiaries in different countries.
Unlike Canada, Mexico's banking system is largely foreign-owned; credit was squeezed a year ago when head offices ordered their subsidiaries abroad to retrench.
These two are two extremes. With wholly owned subsidiaries domestic firms take all responsibility for manufacturing, managing and marketing their products in the foreign country.
All right, we can set up a subsidiaries to enter foreign markets.
Deposit insurance coverage of foreign branches and subsidiaries of Banks can vary considerably across countries.
This means that while local elites, foreign communities and subsidiaries of transnational corporations may benefit, those whose lives depend on access to the information are denied it.
Of the world's top 100 Banks, 78 have operations in Hong Kong, while 112 subsidiaries or related companies of foreign Banks operate as restricted licence Banks and deposit-taking companies.
Employees and executives will be tempted to flee troubled Banks to subsidiaries of foreign Banks or stronger u.
Mr Simon's "hidden champions", mostly German Mittelstand firms, typically have subsidiaries in 24 foreign countries, offering service and advice.
As the special status of financial institutions in our society, foreign legal and regulatory bodies set up an enhanced liability system for financial holding companies and their subsidiaries.
Domestic or overseas subsidiaries of the enterprise that has registered with the domiciled branch of SAFE do not need to go through the formalities of foreign exchange registration separately.
Guangdong Dapeng LNG Company Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture with wholly-owned subsidiaries of CNOOC and BP each holding equity shares of 33% and 30%, respectively.
Guangdong Dapeng LNG Company Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture with wholly-owned subsidiaries of CNOOC and BP each holding equity shares of 33% and 30%, respectively.