Amid objections that this was too harsh, negotiations had then focused on a softer, but more complex French roll-over plan.
It also marks the possible abandonment of a French-backed plan for Banks to roll-over their Greek debt.
The plan does not reduce that—and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a “voluntary” package of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (seearticle).
Theoretical designers will be exquisite generalists—a bit like French philosophers, but ready to roll up their sleeves.
The plan does not reduce that—and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a “voluntary” package of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (see article).
New Orleans is famous for "letting the good times roll" well into the holiday season with its Reveillon dinners, a French family tradition that goes back to the early 19th century.
Being traditional Beijing snack, yellow pea cake was introduced to the Qing Court together with French bean roll.
The plan does not reduce that-and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a "voluntary" package of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (see article).
这项紧缩计划并不削减债务- - -而且法国阴谋计划将一些私营部门的债务卷入一项资本和长期债券的“自愿”一揽子计划可能使得最终的重组债务难上加难(见文章)。
The plan does not reduce that-and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a "voluntary" package of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (see article).
这项紧缩计划并不削减债务- - -而且法国阴谋计划将一些私营部门的债务卷入一项资本和长期债券的“自愿”一揽子计划可能使得最终的重组债务难上加难(见文章)。