Objective To study the effect of high pressure alone or combined with heating treatment of fresh pear juice on PPO activity in it.
In order to study the effect of high pressure on the quality of fresh pear juice, heating combined high pressure are conducted on fresh pear juice.
Fresh pear juice to clarify the production process is to clarify the key to study the centrifugal pectinase clarify the law and clarify the effect of pear juice.
Nanguo Pear obtains the fame of "The King of the Pear" for its appealing color, soft fresh, full of juice and strong fragrance.
The method of making balsam pear juice drink by add in g sugar and some ingredients in fresh balsam pear juice is introduced.
The method of making balsam pear juice drink by add in g sugar and some ingredients in fresh balsam pear juice is introduced.