For Teng Chieh food and water are placed in front of photographs of family members and bonfires and lanterns are lit to guide the spirits' paths.
When you tell a joke on a brightly lit stage in front of a crowd of people who have paid a bunch of money to laugh, and no one laughs, it can be horrifying.
I didn't hear any sound, how shall I say, the world around me turned bright white. And I was momentarily blinded as if a magnesium light had lit up in front of my eyes.
From this room to the front, there is a garden for drinking tea and looking at night sky through lit in the window.
The blade, when lit, did indeed glow in front of the camera, but it lacked the color and hazy corona that surrounded the pure white blade as seen in the finished film.
Move your body: If you want to be creative, play with light angles by turning your body, but make sure the photo is properly exposed and your face is lit from the front or the side.
Front lit channel letters are the most common.
Her eyes lit up as she lovingly placed a dish in front of me.
The front (drinkers) hut is light filled and airy whilst the dining hut is darker, dimly lit and focussed around the fire.
The space is naturally lit from above by the skylight, as well as the sliding glass door in the front of the structure, which is surrounded by an oak frame and retracts into a cavity in the wall.
Theres this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profoundand jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a brightflash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of myface.
Yet, a scene unfolds in front of her eyes with every match that is lit.
Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly lit front room of his cramped farmhouse.
I am already hearing the Shouting and seeing the torches being lit in front of my house.
Each day of the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room, undressed and took up the same positioning in front of a motion picture camera.
Clouds gathered in front of the setting sun while along the road residents lit fires to burn the debris left by the typhoon.
In the ensuing ages it gradually grew into a popular custom that on the day of Jie Zi-tui's death no fire must be lit, but willow branches to be gathered and planted in front of each family's home.
In the ensuing ages it gradually grew into a popular custom that on the day of Jie Zi-tui's death no fire must be lit, but willow branches to be gathered and planted in front of each family's home.