Here a minor was entitled to benefit from a trust on attaining full age.
The full age-drift-period-cohort model can give a good description of the data(P>0.05).
The difficulty in operation increases with the age of young and full age patients but decreases with the age of old people.
I hope you learn to make your bed and mow the lawn, wash the car - of course, I also hope nobody gives you full age you a brand new car.
A full-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had been made in 1996, primarily to see how Bronze-Age replica tools performed.
Children over the age of 12 must pay full fare.
At the age of 70, Katsushika Hokusai, is still full of artistic vitality.
The lightness of infant life can skip aside from the greatest of calamities, but with age evasion is not so easy, and the shock of that day I had to take full on my breast.
In the United States, workers must be 62 to collect reduced Social Security benefits, with the age for full benefits scheduled to rise from 66 now to 67 for younger workers.
The cuts are disguised as increases in the minimum retirement age or as increases in the age at which full pensions will be paid.
However, a child below the age of 10 will need two doses of the H1N1 vaccine, spaced about a month apart, and full immunity will not occur until about a week after the final dose.
In middle age, this Shakespeare has a fresh-faced complexion, a closely trimmed auburn beard, a long straight nose and a full, almost bouffant hairstyle.
But current forest management practices, including fire suppression, often create forests full of trees of uniform age, which are particularly susceptible.
As a downturn began in the real-estate market last year, she decided, at age 45, to return to college and study music full-time; her husband is continuing to work as a physician.
At age fifty, Nit is no longer competitive in the job market, yet a full ten years away from qualifying for senior benefits.
In 1973, he was already past the mandatory retirement age of seventy and was teaching a full load for a dollar a year.
This is the age of celebrity, even in the boardroom, and none of us is impervious to the presence of those legendary characters when they switch on the full blast of their glittering personality.
Around the age of 20-22, the maiko is promoted to a full-fledged geisha in a ceremony called erikae (turning of the collar)[35][36].
By assessing the data, it leads one to believe that the majority of music consumers are not taking full advantage of this new media age we live in.
Since the business logic is buried inside the code, even a smallest change, such as changing the maximum permitted age for insurance, requires a full-cycle it change, which is often a lengthy process.
Megan's mother Jane expresses bewilderment that her daughter should develop this illness at such a young age. 'young people should be full of life, free from worries.
A significant expansion of space exploration and development activities will then occur, and the full promise of the Spacefring Age for the benefit of all humankind will be realized.
At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.
In the past a decent coach in the 5-11 age group wanting a full-time job would have to move up to 17-18 years old level.
The special regimes are inordinately generous, allowing many workers to retire on full pensions at the age of 55, and some as early as 50.
My advice, and it's backed by the Food Standards Agency, is that your toddler should have full-fat milk up until two years of age.
My advice, and it's backed by the Food Standards Agency, is that your toddler should have full-fat milk up until two years of age.