The woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao.
Most expensive: 5,000 yuan (facial), 1,080 yuan (full body)
Most expensive: 5, 000 yuan (facial), 1, 080 yuan (full body).
You might even have been subjected to a full body scan or a pat down.
The red wine has full body with black pepper character and moderate tannin content.
“Are you going to lose 20 minutes of your life to this full body scanner?” asked Cool Material.
Comment boards filled with speculation on the amount of radiation emitted during a full body scan.
We're going to -- it's the mental equivalent of the full body massage: every mental organ addressed. It really is.
我们给予你们的是一种通体的精神按摩,让你的每一个情 感的器官都受到刺激。
Get yourself a massage: you can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your spouse to give you a full body massage.
做按摩:你可以去按摩院,或叫你的配偶给你17 .做个全身按摩则更佳。
An expensive wine may well have a full body, a delicate nose and good legs, but the odds are your brain will never know.
Jacqui Moore, 41, has had 85 per cent of her flesh inked with a continuous black and grey "full body-suit" tattoo, a process which has taken eight years.
To properly design Beijing, you'd have to let the city have space for different interests, so that people can coexist, so that there is a full body to society.
That’s because the technology being tested is an X-ray machine that makes a full body scan of passengers to see if they are carrying concealed weapons or explosives.
Two of Agent Blackburn's men appeared on either side of the power shed. Intimidating in full body armor and helmets, they trained their weapons at the suspect, who threw up his hands.
Prevalent throughout North America, ticks can attach themselves to exposed skin after time spent outdoors. It’s important to do a full body check for ticks and to remove any ticks immediately.
Your body, like any other machine, needs a full service once in a while.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dryer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dyer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress.
Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dyer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.
He asks that you pay full attention to how your mind and body interact with computers and how your attention and creativity are influenced by technology.
Jumping the rope is a kind of full-body exercise and it is great for the brain.
Instead, one activist, dressed in a full-body monkey suit, had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers: "Thanks for not using real apes!"
Some Americans have objected in recent weeks to the use of revealing full-body scanners and extra-thorough patdowns at airport security checkpoints.
And one is offering full-body scans at shopping malls, telling a shopper what sizes she should try among the various brands.
America is speeding up the introduction of controversial new full-body scanners.
An Internet campaign called "National Opt-Out day" is urging people to decline the full-body scans on Wednesday, traditionally the busiest travel day of the year for Americans.
Despite worries about privacy, there were calls for the introduction of full-body scanners to identify items under clothing that cannot be found with metal-detectors.
The hospital had done the full-body X-rays, known as “babygrams,” even though they had been largely discredited because of concerns about the potential harm of radiation on the young.
Noise-reduction headphones block the screech of the drill and play a CD of your choice, and the specially constructed dental chair channels the sound waves from the music into a full-body massage.
Noise-reduction headphones block the screech of the drill and play a CD of your choice, and the specially constructed dental chair channels the sound waves from the music into a full-body massage.