Heard references to a full tear off a nightmare.
What was thought to be a slight pull is actually a full tear and Owen will go into hospital on Monday.
Having a tip that's sharp or full of pencil fragments can tear the delicate rim of the eyes or expose you to harmful bacteria, causing a potential eye infection.
Full-grown Smile Ball onions release almost no tear-inducing compounds when chopped or eaten raw.
Results MRI of shoulder in 34 cases showed full-thickness and partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff, tendinitis, glenoid labrum tear, synovitis, biceps tendinitis, biceps dislocation and tumors.
The hardest part is the initial rip; after that tear in one motion for full effect!
If I were a tear in your eyes, I would full down on your lips, kiss you!
There is always a kind of sensibility which makes me full of tear between the life and the windtight crack.
In 2002, House Foods Group scientists published a paper in which they hypothesized that tear-inducing enzymes in onions could be weakened while retaining their full flavor and nutritional value.
Tear the head after cleaning, the stains fall of with water. Do notextrude it at full tilt, put into water and sway lightly can take the stains that adhere in glass wiper away.
Tear the head after cleaning, the stains fall of with water. Do notextrude it at full tilt, put into water and sway lightly can take the stains that adhere in glass wiper away.