To gain the advantage over by cunning; outwit.
In time, financiers tend to gain the advantage over their overseers.
They also may gain an unfair advantage over less charming colleagues, the researchers suggest, which may hinder a meritocracy.
It is no myth that properly architected systems always gain a strategic advantage over unseen problems in the software development life cycle.
Many countries passed laws forbidding the transmutation of metals, even as their Kings secretly patronised alchemy hoping to gain an advantage over other monarchs.
Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow's success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time.
Tech Centers: Tech Centers are always you First priority target. They gain you the most money when sold and give you the biggest advantage over your opponet.
高科: 高科永远是游戏玩家你的首要目标。当游戏玩家你卖掉的时候,他们提供给游戏玩家你最多的钱,并且能够给游戏玩家你提供对敌方最大的优势。
The drilling line is reeled over the crown block and traveling block to gain mechanical advantage in a "block and tackle" or "pulley" fashion.
Experiments show that the new system results in higher precision and thus gain an advantage over the traditional ones.
They also may gain an unfair advantage over less charming colleagues. the researchers suggest. which may hinder a meritocracy.
Refers to the core competence is to make itself competitive in the market to gain and maintain competitive advantage over competitors core competencies and resources in the sum of the organic.
In modern society, development of science and technology is pretty fast, and the country owned with advanced technology will gain advantage over other countries.
This will be a non-intrusive update to the client that will interact with scripters using their programs to gain advantage over those players who prefer to play by the rules and inside the guidelines.
Determine the business strategies the company should implement in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals given its current capabilities.
Determine the business strategies the company should implement in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals given its current capabilities.