Ken Ong and his team are investigating the relationship between early puberty and specific genetic variants that can cause obesity.
Several common genetic variants linked to the risk of lung and other cancers.
And what about the process of random loss of genetic variants, which we call genetic drift?
She points out that the common genetic variants they tested were discovered less than 3 years ago.
Evaluating more than 528,000 genetic variants, the strongest signals came from variants in FUT2.
Being able to create genetic variants of prairie voles to order would therefore be helpful to research.
So they analysed the combined effects of genetic variants on the likelihood of living to the age of 100.
Two further studies also identify further genetic variants associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
The DNA analysis also revealed several genetic variants that placed the Iceman at high risk for hardening of the arteries.
In fact, some of the genetic variants linked with greater sensitivity are also associated with less negative emotionality.
It gave us great confidence that we identified genetic variants on a pathway we already know is associated with telomere length.
With the identification of more genes, researchers hope to be able to formulate a simple test that can detect genetic variants.
They found two previously unknown genetic variants on chromosome 20 that substantially increased the risk of male pattern baldness.
The New York professor's own team at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has pinpointed genetic variants that let people live to a "ripe old age."
这位在爱因斯坦医学院(albert EinsteinCollegeofMedicine)拥有个人的研发团队的教授已经准确定位出能让人活得“老当益壮”的基因变体。
In this study, we sought to identify functional genetic variants in the S100A14 locus and assessed their associations with susceptibility to ESCC.
But in the future, researchers might be able to use these genetic variants to predict the effects of different smoking cessation treatments, she added.
Study a group of anxious female college students, and you'll find that they, too, have genetic variants that alter the way their brains process serotonin.
These common genetic variants are [also] useful in pointing to biological pathways or genes that might harbor rarer variants with larger effects in a few families.
Recent studies have shown that for many diseases, common genetic variants can only explain a small fraction of an individual's risk of developing the condition.
Perhaps most surprisingly, preliminary analysis showed that centenarians had just as many genetic variants linked to diseases as did people in the control group.
One study - led by scientists at DeCODE Genetics in Iceland - found that smokers who had one copy of either of the genetic variants smoked more per day than others.
Hariri notes that the findings at first glance seem to be at odds with work he and others have done that links particular genetic variants to amygdala activity in humans.
Reporting in Nature Genetics, researchers said genetic variants on chromosome 2 and on chromosome 16 May increase the risk of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer.
By defining those genetic variants with a biological effect, the results will help prioritise regions of the genome that are investigated for association with disease.
While such genetic similarity usually has detrimental effects, in these hotspots it seems to have united and maintained genetic variants that predispose people to a long life.
One3, looking at about 2,000 postmenopausal women and a similar number of controls, also identified genetic variants in the FGFR2 gene associated with increased cancer risk2.
One3, looking at about 2,000 postmenopausal women and a similar number of controls, also identified genetic variants in the FGFR2 gene associated with increased cancer risk2.