George Lucas liked what he saw.
Directed by George Lucas this movie was a classic.
Yet again, we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.
Yet again we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.
With the arrival of George Lucas, the pace has ramped up.
"THX" comes from George Lucas' movie THX1138 and the Tomlinson Holman's eXperiment.
一词来源于乔治·卢卡斯的电影《THX 1138》以及汤姆林森·霍尔曼的实验。
Movie producer and director George Lucas wants people to see the best made movie possible.
George Lucas described the Tuskens to McQuarrie as desert nomads, not unlike the Bedouin people.
Like a big corporate CEO, in the prequels, the rich and successful George Lucas controlled every detail.
George Lucas says that using digital cameras permits him to have much more control over the final product.
George Lucas made his name with Star Wars but many film lovers cite this cult movie from 1971 as his masterpiece.
Pixar soon drew the attention of George Lucas, director of the "Star Wars" films, and its future seemed assured.
The film, written and directed by George Lucas, became world famous and broke box-office records around the globe.
The initial instructions that Director George Lucas gave the Art Department were very open-ended: "a droid general."
George Lucas then limited the weapon only to the Jedi Knights, to give the order a unique feel and an arcane quality.
It wasn't George Lucas that made the first Star Wars, it was all those who believed in the vision George Lucas painted.
The script establishes Jabba to be a large, repulsive creature, an effect that George Lucas could not realize at the time.
George Lucas' request for a "rocket powered scooter" resulted in a slew of artwork from Return of the Jedi's concept team.
George Lucas drew inspiration for Star Wars from sci-fi standards like the Flash Gordon comic books drawn by Alex Raymond.
乔治卢卡斯(George Lucas )从科幻小说的模式里汲取了星球大战的灵感,就像亚历克斯 雷蒙德(Alex Raymond)画的连环画《飞侠哥顿》(Flash Gorden)一样。
That's one of those great times is when you're sitting in a room with George Lucas and you're breaking down this civilization.
George Lucas told Ford to just say what he thought was best and "I know" was the result, fitting in with his character's persona perfectly.
Conceptualization began with George Lucas' vision of a talking, feeling, walking, running, falling, fainting bundle of amphibious comic relief.
George Lucas is a representative from "Hollywood brats" creation group with the developing of new Hollywood movement when classic Hollywood fails.
Led by a producer, George Lucas, enlightened talents have encouraged fans to play with characters and even provided bandwidth for their home-made films.
Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.
His initial concepts had the self-propelled cannon be mounted on treads, but George Lucas instead suggested that it be a walker like its AT-TE cousin.
他最早的概念画是安装在平板上的自行火炮,但乔治·卢卡斯建议换成步行机,类似AT -TE的姐妹。
He compares himself not to Chinese filmmakers like Zhang Yimou, but to George Lucas, James Cameron and Peter Jackson, the titans of Hollywood fantasia.
他的目标并不止于张艺谋导演, 他的目标是要成为乔治卢卡斯,詹姆斯卡梅隆或者皮特杰克逊这样的好莱坞神话.
The acklay was born out of George Lucas' request to combine the characteristics of a praying mantis and a velociraptor to form a deadly arena creature.
The acklay was born out of George Lucas' request to combine the characteristics of a praying mantis and a velociraptor to form a deadly arena creature.