It seems like whenever I get into a really good running groove, I come down with a cold that forces me to slow down my training.
As long as I get something good, I will share it with my friends.
It was important for me to learn that you don't have to always get everything right the first time and that good things come with continual effort.
I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was the exception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well.
I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was the exception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well.
The bad news is that there's no good way to get around this; it requires permissions that are typically associated with root users.
"It would never happen by chance that we would get such striking agreement with the consensus opinion of so many experts if our measure wasn't good," Amaral said.
We thought it would be good for us, as we get into competition with big internet companies, to be part of a big internet company ourselves.
Expedience: Balanced with all of this good advice, sometimes you just need to get it done.
Sometimes, people need to get the negative thoughts out …speak them to a good friend, write them down on a piece of paper, and be done with it.
Sometimes, people need to get the negative thoughts out... speak them to a good friend, write them down on a piece of paper, and be done with it.
We didn't know anything about testing, but all the pairing with customers helped us get the software in good shape before we released it to production.
With it, we can get a really good price.
The Truth: The beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it, and bad people often get away with their actions without consequences.
Mortgage lenders have talked a good game when it comes to helping first-time buyers get on the property ladder, with a greater number advertising loans at 90% of a home's value.
Ideally, you'll meet with a volunteer coordinator and get a good idea of how the nonprofit works, the kinds of volunteer opportunities that are available, and how good a fit it is for your goals.
So get good friends, it will help you out more than you can ever imagine with women.
Women have their Curves; men have their 24 Hour Fitness and dogs should have a park with a fence around it, a sandy beach or a good hike to get that cardio working.
I know that I often start out runs or RACES with fairly good form, but it falls apart as I get fatigued towards the end.
There is a saying that “you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” With that in mind, it is vital to be fully prepared to make a great impression on each date you go on.
Often times when I get negative feedback, I would talk it over with some of my good friends and process the feedback with them.
The people who are in the know -know who's trustworthy as a borrower and who has a good prospect of paying it back -but if I go in there ignorantly, I'm going to get stuck with the worst stuff.
As we get older and begin to interact and communicate with others, we learn that it feels good to share our things, to be kind and thoughtful.
So if you can just do the problem solving and get familiar enough with it that you're just good at it, so that you can do it with a reasonable speed, you're going to be fine.
Without Obama being able to leverage some Republican votes, it is going to be very hard to get a good plan to cover all Americans with health care.
Bad Banks create a clean break that enables the good bank left behind to get on with the real job of raising capital and lending it out.
I don't think it will take us that long to get there; a few good results and confidence will go up, and a team with confidence also gets the luck.
It's Jean from Meadow's Mirth, who has the loveliest habit of talking with her hands, which makes it hard to get a good picture of her in action.
When it came to the first days at my arrival, I was so eager to watch much televesion so that I could learn a good English and get away with loneliness.
When it came to the first days at my arrival, I was so eager to watch much televesion so that I could learn a good English and get away with loneliness.