The little girl immediately began to get upset, and the mother remarked quietly, "Now Tina, we just have half of the aisles left to go through; don't be upset." It won't be long.
Dushan says, "Almost every guy thinks that if he buys a girl a drink, he's entitled to get something out of it."
Think about it. Do you get more flustered and tongue-tied when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams, or someone who is just not that attractive?
Now 19, Nikki says it took her longer to get over the false perception of herself as a fat girl than it did to let go of her dreams of being a dancer.
If something doesn't go your way, for example if you get rejected by a girl that you really had your eye on for a while... don't EVER let it get you down.
The young girl tried to get it across to her boyfriend that she was not ready to get married.
Bordertown didn't even get a theatrical release in America, which technically makes it worse than Gigli and Jersey Girl combined.
Mike: What's up, Arizona? Huh? How you liking the rain, girl? Better get used to it, girl.
Especial for a girl who used to studying abroad. Get it?
It is because of how I play tennis and due to the results I achieved on the tennis court, but definitely every girl likes to get a compliment and I am no different.
Local legend had it that there had been a curse put on this poor girl by a witch who failed to get Angela's father's heart.
You know we've been waiting much to long for this girl, it's time to get it on.
"Well, you'll get more at the next place if you want it, " went on the girl, who admired Carrie very much.
We are hoping for a baby girl but we get the feeling it will be another boy.
But it may also mean the chance - even a slight one - to get closer to the girl of your dreams.
Pharaoh's daughter went down to the Nile to take a bath. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it.
So, it is difficult for too thin girl to get love.
Hence, if there are ways to get married with a girl who don't care too much about the material life, why don't we choose it?
"Gossip Girl" : When it comes to family, we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home.
In my mind, it is unromantic way to get a girl-friend.
One night a girl asked him to dance with her. He was awkward and slow. But a little of her grace rubbed off on him, and he began to get the feel of it.
I broke up with my girl friend ', but I will get over it.
I broke up with my girl friend ', but I will get over it.