You may want to set an alarm to bring you back in case you get lost in time.
Note that this operation is not recoverable, so if you need to recover your database to the point in time between the table move completion time and following backup, the table may get lost.
Is a book better if you speed read it, or if you take your time and get lost in it?
So, in case the OS is infected or the computer is lost, the user can get another one and, by using his credentials, he will load the entire OS, applications and Settings in a very short time.
History is a funny animal. People can get lost in the mists of time.
But for the first time it makes the mind get outside of itself and places it in opposition to others, not for it to get lost but to show it clearly the blind path that all have entered upon.
Oh that sounds like fun but I won't be able to attend. I'm taking a bit of time off to get lost in the great outdoors.
The reason why is when you’re in retirement it’s impossible to get the money back that you lost because you don’t have a salary coming in, so time is no longer on your side.
Smile at two neighbors. However, it’s hard to concentrate on these five improvements for a long duration of time, and inevitably, one or two will get lost in the shuffle.
You are enthusiastically 9 fond of traveling, however, you get lost time and time again in the city.
So to not get lost in procrastination take it one small step at time.
It is difficult for a player totally out of shape to get fit in a few weeks time, and the fitness gained quickly can be lost equally quickly.
So I drove to the lake house looking for any kind of answer. And I found you. And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. But it's not real, Alex.
In fact, I feel God told me pretty fair chance to get not too small, but there was no time to grasp, even asking for the freedom lost.
Most important, being far apart gives you a chance to maintain your individuality - something that can get lost in the shuffle when couples spend all their free time together.
The reason why is when you're in retirement it's impossible to get the money back that you lost because you don't have a salary coming in, so time is no longer on your side.
People can get lost in the mists of time.
And I found you. And I let myself get lost. Lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. But it's not real, Alex.
As a freshman, the sense of being lost in a big new world was exciting, but at the same time I treasured every bit of advice I could get.
But I am afraid that I will get lost in the air-port since this is my first time to go abroad alone.
As a freshman, the sense of being lost in a big new world was exciting, but at the same time I treasured every bit of advice I could get.
If you need extend service time, please reserve in advance. You can get the member card (cost fee 10 RMB) from Front Desk, if you lost to repair it, you will be charged 30rmb for cost and service fee.
Most important, being far apart gives you a chance to maintain your individuality — something that can get lost in the shuffle when couples spend all their free time together.
Most important, being far apart gives you a chance to maintain your individuality — something that can get lost in the shuffle when couples spend all their free time together.