The furnace employed for making "e" glass is of a type known as a Unit Melter.
But researchers have been stymied because not all the technetium-99 is incorporated into the glass and volatilized gas must be recycled back into the melter system.
但研究人员一直没有成功,因为不是所有的锝- 99都能纳入到玻璃容器中,挥发性气体也必须被回收到熔化系统里。
But researchers have been stymied because not all the technetium-99 is incorporated into the glass and volatilized gas must be recycled back into the melter system.
但研究人员一直没有成功,因为不是所有的锝- 99都能纳入到玻璃容器中,挥发性气体也必须被回收到熔化系统里。