Glenn Beck is coming from his faith.
Even Glenn Beck ought to be willing to do that.
甚至Glenn Beck应该愿意那样做。
Glenn Beck has been warning about imminent hyperinflation since 2008.
Glenn Beck and his Tea Party followers yearned for a time before Woodrow Wilson.
Well, to be fair, every time you watch Glenn Beck, it does get a little easier to hate white people.
Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.
Well, to be fair, every time you watch Glenn Beck, it does get a little easier to hate white people." --Conan O'Brien
Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
Glenn Beck, a conservative broadcaster, ended a recent interview thus: "Do you think this is a country of divine providence?"
Glenn Beck rants, “We don’t want the Word Cup, we don’t like the World Cup, we don’t like soccer, we want nothing to do with it.”
Glenn Beck嚷道:“我们不要世界杯,我们不喜欢世界杯,我们不喜欢足球,我们不需要任何与足球有关的东西”。
That is thanks in large part to the grass roots movement known as the Tea Party and the efforts of conservative commentators like Glenn Beck.
Washington, D. C. | Oct. 30Stephen Colbert’s " Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" on the National Mall satirized Glenn Beck and the Tea Party.
史蒂芬 科拜尔在国家广场举行的“重建健全和/或恐惧大会”,讽刺了格棱 贝克(福克斯电视台主持人)和茶话会。
Chief among them was Marlin Stutzman, a young state senator and self-proclaimed “original 9/12er” (an anti-tax movement launched by Glenn Beck of Fox News).
First to the front was Fox News' latest star, Glenn Beck, who laid out the battle plan with a map, a couple of toy tanks and a plastic attack helicopter.
冲在前线的是福克斯新闻台的新秀格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)。 他用一张地图,一个塑料武装直升飞机模型和几个玩具坦克陈述了作战计划。
Glenn Beck, a conservative television commentator on Fox News, wound himself into a sweaty rant about being forced to eat tofu in order to save the planet.
格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck),这个福克斯新闻台的保守主义电视评论员就费劲力气地说了一通,表示说为了拯救地球,“我”得被迫吃豆腐。
Protesters on the National Mall also put up a sign with the word "dream", pointing to Martin Luther King Jr., and the word "nightmare", pointing to Glenn Beck.
Then again, we live in a world of climate change, poverty, the pandemic flu, peak oil, collapsing ocean eco-systems, Glenn Beck, and an impending sequel to Twilight.
The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today’s Americans.
The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today's Americans.
The founder of Politifact, another nonpartisan referee to the daily rumble, said two of the site's five most popular items on its Truth-o-meter are corrections of Glenn Beck.
In June, the talk-radio host Glenn Beck, who has supported the Tea Party rebellion, promoted "the Road to Serfdom" on his show; the paperback soon became a No. 1 best-seller on Amazon.
6月,对茶党反抗活动颇为支持的谈话广播节目主持人格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)在其节目中力推《通往奴役之路》一书;这本书的平装本很快成为了亚马逊网上的畅销第一名。
The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
Not all gold investors stockpile guns and tinned food in remote cabins, of course. Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.
并不是所有的黄金投资者都会在偏远的小仓库里储备军器或罐头食品,同样他们也不都是格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)的信徒,这位鼓吹宿命论的美国学者一直劝诫他的信众购买黄金。
Not all gold investors stockpile guns and tinned food in remote cabins, of course. Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.
并不是所有的黄金投资者都会在偏远的小仓库里储备军器或罐头食品,同样他们也不都是格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)的信徒,这位鼓吹宿命论的美国学者一直劝诫他的信众购买黄金。